Warriors & First Responders Resorts
We are a Veterans Rehab treatment center offering Specialized Treatment Programs for Veterans, Medical Professionals, and First Responders. Learn more about the Intervention Project for Nurses
Intervention Project For Nurses

Intervention Project for Nurses
At Warriors and First Responders Resort, our goal is to guide you in your recovery and get you back to your best self in order to help others. As an accredited facility working with the Intervention Project for Nurses, Our Detox Center and Rehabs help provide education and support. This program also monitors nurses with impairing conditions such as substance abuse or psychiatric conditions as an alternate to disciplinary actions.
Mental Illness and Substance abuse struggles are not something anyone chooses; however, it is something that doesn’t have to keep you from doing the job you love. Our Veterans Rehab programs offer Detox, Residential Treatment, and Intensive Outpatient Therapy programs intended to help Medical Professionals get back into the line of duty.
IPN is targeted towards those struggling with:
What is the Intervention Project for Nurses?
The Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) was established in 1983 through passage of legislation. Intervention Project for Nurses is one of Florida’s designated Impaired Practitioner Programs. IPN under contract with the Florida Department of Health provides state-wide education, support and monitoring to nurses with impairing conditions such as substance use disorders, psychiatric and physical conditions. Nurses are most often referred to IPN by nursing employers due to potential safety to practice concerns.
What We Offer
Through the groundbreaking use of integrative evidence-based therapies, our Veterans Rehab helps develop coping strategies in order to facilitate mental wellness. We use modalities such as group therapy, Individualized Sessions, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and many more.
Nutritional Groups
There is strong evidence that suggest that nutrition play a huge part in recovery from mental health issues and substance abuse. Our Nutritionist teaches Veterans how to implement healthy nutrition as part of their recovery journey. Our goal is to help Veterans create a better you: Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Physical Fitness
Our Veteran Rehab Treatment Centers offer many healthy activities to promote physical fitness in a balanced way. Whether it's Yoga, Hitting the Gym, or going on a peaceful Meditative Walk, we encourage you to strengthen your body as well as your mind and spirit.
Call Today for more iNFORMATION on the Intervention Project for Nurses

If you or a loved one is struggling, Warriors and First Responders Resorts, can help. You can enroll into one of our specialized treatment programs yourself or refer someone. Our Veterans Rehab admissions staff is available to answer any questions and help to guide you through the process. Admissions staff members are there to arrange admissions, facilitate transportation, evaluate, and assist with insurance verification.
Once a Veteran enters our Military Rehab and completes their mental health evaluations, they will be given a daily schedule. It is important to adhere to all the rules and do their best to complete all the work laid out for them in their individualized treatment plan. When Military Veterans work hard on their recovery and want to improve their situation, they will experience the healing process. Those that enroll in our program have the opportunity to change and begin the journey to sobriety.