
Our Veterans Rehab wants to help you in your journey towards the life you’ve always wanted. Learn more from our Mental Health Resources available today.

Mental Health Resources

Welcome To The Warriors and First Responders Mental Health Resources Page

Person experiencing overwhelming stress which can lead to mental health as well as physical health issues if untreated long term.

Battling Toxic Stress

Stress is a normal reaction to many kinds of events and situations in our lives. Stress is one of our internal warning systems that alerts us to danger or other threats and prepares our bodies to fight back or get out of a dangerous situation...

Happy Family spending time together in a field.

Common Relapse Triggers

Understanding what might trigger you to relapse and having a relapse prevention plan established is the first step toward overcoming this challenge of Alcohol Addiction and Substance Abuse...

uniformed veteran attending a therapy session

Facts and Myths About Treatment

Find out about 6 of the most common myths about Rehab and Detox Centers and Learn the Facts about how Warriors and First Responders Resorts breaks those myths with our programs...

Relationship can be very difficult, especially in early recovery. This is one of the most common relapse triggers.

Helping A Loved One Seek Treatment

If you have a loved one who is going through a difficult time and needs therapy, it can be incredibly difficult to know how to go about helping. With mental health concerns affecting as many as one in four adults and one in ten children, access to effective care is essential. The good news is....

Couple communicating about mental health and addiction.


There are two primary purposes for intervention; the first is to help the individual struggling with drug and alcohol addiction acknowledge the need for treatment. The second is to give the family a chance to reclaim the lives they lost due to a loved one’s substance abuse. It is essential for the family...

Mental Health Treatment Suicidal Ideation and Prevention

Suicidal Ideation and Prevention

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of suicide has consistently risen. It has become more critical than ever for individuals to seek mental health treatment...

Call Today


As a member of the VA Community Care Network, Warriors and First Responders Resorts can help. You can enroll into one of our specialized treatment programs yourself or refer someone. Our Veterans Rehab admissions staff is available to answer any questions and help to guide you through the process. Admissions staff members are there to arrange admissions, facilitate transportation, evaluate, and assist with insurance verification.

 Once a Veteran enters our Rehab and completes their mental health evaluations, they will be given a daily schedule. It is important to adhere to all the rules and do their best to complete all the work laid out for them in their individualized treatment plan. When Veterans work hard on their recovery and want to improve their situation, they will experience the healing process. Those that enroll in our program have the opportunity to change and begin the journey to sobriety.
